1. UU. No. 22 of 2009 concerning LaLin and Road Transport;
2. PP. No. 42 of 1993 concerning inspection of motor vehicles on the road;
3. Regional Regulation No. 5 of 2008 concerning the Organization's Structure and Formation.
1. Regulation of the Director General of Land Development No; SK.1763/KP.108.DRJD/2005 On Technical Emergency Response to Passenger Transport Accidents;
2. Regulation No. 27 of 2008 concerning The Organization and Governance of The Office.
1. If the implementation is not in accordance with the prodesur it will hinder the implementation;
2. In order to prioritize the security of evidence, the evidence is stored in the Office environment with a demonstration in accordance with the procedure.
1. Know the tasks and functions of the order;
2. Know the handling SOP;
3. Have the skills as needed.
1. Office Stationery;
2. Computer;
3. Printer;
4. Scanner;
5. Internet facilities.
1. Recording of the completeness of evidence;
2. In the data and stored in Electronic and manual form.